
Legal Immigration: Why It's Badly Broken & How to Fix It

America has a birthrate of 1.7. We need a rate of 2.1 to prevent population collapse and economic stagnation similar to Japan. We can fill this gap with the best and brightest from around the world, but our legal immigration pathways are badly broken. I talk about how the legal immigration system is broken, and discuss 7 policies I will spearhead if elected to Congress to fix it:

1. Expand H-1B visa program

2. Increase green cards for proven contributors

3. Remove green card country caps

4. Increase family-sponsored green card. caps

5. Create a startup company visa program

6. Create a transition visa program for students who obtain STEM degrees to allow them to stay and work.

7. Create a permitted guest worker program for industry-targeted unskilled labor shortages


Government is like a Shop-Vac. Time to Break the Spending Machine.


Illegal Immigration: The Real Numbers & Costs and How to End It